新媒体研究全英文博士培养方案基本信息 |
Study Plan and General Information for the Ph.D. Program in Journalism and Communication
一、 学科专业简介 / Program Overview
伟德国际betvlctor1946自2006年开始招收相关学科的博士研究生。目前本博士点形成了以15位博士生导师为核心的教学和科研队伍,并且另外还聘请了3位海外著名高校教授、知名学者担任兼职博士生导师。借助学院较为雄厚的国际化师资队伍,我们于2016年5月正式启动新闻传播学全英文博士项目,旨在培养国际化的新媒体研究人才,并成为我们博士研究生项目的重要补充。 The School of Media and Communication of Shanghai Jiaotong University has enrolled doctoral students in related disciplines since 2006. At present, the doctoral program has formed a core teaching and scientific research team with 15 doctoral supervisors, and also hired 3 famous overseas university professors and well-known scholars as part-time doctoral supervisors. With the help of the school's relatively strong international faculty, we formally launched a full English doctoral program in journalism and communication in May 2016, aimed at cultivating international new media research talents and becoming an important supplement to our doctoral program.
二、培养目标 / Program Objective
本博士研究生项目旨在培养适应国际化需要的高层次新闻传播学研究人才,学位获得者应该具备宽厚、复合、外向的知识结构,掌握并能熟练运用管理学、传播学、互联网产业等学科的理论、技能和方法,敏锐地发现新闻传播学理论与实践中不断出现的新问题,拥有严密的逻辑思维能力和较强的理论创新能力。该学科方向兼跨传播学、管理学、计算机科学三大学科,具有鲜明的跨学科性质,可以促进多学科的交融和发展。研究方向包括新媒体史论、新媒体实务和新媒体管理。在博士管理上,采取了导师+副导师的管理制度,以帮助学生更好完成学业。 |
Specifically designed for international students, the program aims at cultivating high-level new media scholars who hold both super research ability and solid practical skills in information age. The students are expected to be knowledgeable of humanities, basic sciences, media literacy, and civil society literacy. They should have a deep understanding on the nature, the law and the development of new media industries in contemporary society. They should also be able to fully understand the relationship between new media and human behaviors, especially the impact of online public opinion on social development.
三、学习年限 / Study Period 按照要求,全日制博士生学制为4年。总学分≥35,其中必修课学分为26个学分。所有课程学分建议在第1-2个学年内修完。每个学期选修课程建议不超过13个学分。 This is a full-time doctoral program with the normal length of 4 years. Before graduation, a student must complete at least 35 credit hours in total, including 26 credit hours of required courses. Students should finish the courses in first three semesters. A student can enroll in at most 13 credit hours each semester. 四、课程学习要求 / Curriculum and Credits |
五、学术论文 / Academic Paper 1、学术论文发表的数量要求 申请学位论文答辩之前,至少公开发表(或录用)2篇与学位论文主要内容相关的学术论文(包括国际会议论文)。 2、学术论文发表的质量要求 公开发表(或录用)于CSSCI期刊2篇(中文社会科学引文索引)或SSCI、A&HCI(艺术人文科学引文索引)1篇(社会科学引文索引)检索的刊物。 台湾博士发表论文质量上,认可台湾地区TCSSCI刊物分类标准,等同大陆地区CSSCI;数量上,保持发表2篇的要求。 公开发表的国际会议论文2篇指的是在该领域具有广泛影响影响力的国际会议上进行论文陈述或被国际会议论文接受(包括ICA、NCA、AEJMC)。 3、学术论文发表的认定办法 学术论文必须在就读博士期间,以伟德国际betvlctor1946博士生身份为第一单位公开发表(或录用)于学院学位评定分委员会认定的刊物。学位申请人为第一作者发表的论文以1篇计;以第二作者发表的论文(第一作者必须是其导师)以1/2篇计;通讯作者按一篇计算;第三作者及以后者不计。 | |
Before the students’ final defense, the student must publish at least 2 academic papers. The 2 publications could be 2 journal publications in CSSCI or TSSCI journals, or 1 publication in SSCI or A&HCI Journals. If the student has a National research Award, he/she can waive this requirement. If the student has any high-level research award, or has any innovation patent, it equals the same number of SCI or EI journal articles. The 2 academic publications could also be papers accepted by international conferences with broad international influence (including ICA, NCA, AEJMC). The student as the first author or corresponding author in the SSCI journal is counted as 1 piece of publication. The student as second author (in this case his/her advisor as first author) is calculated as 1/2 piece of publication. Third author will not be calculated. For international conference papers, the student should be the first/corresponding author as well in order to make the article calculated as his/her publications.
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六、学位论文 / Dissertation 博士生的学术论文字数要求为不少于4万字。博士研究生通过综合考试之后,进入学位论文工作,具体包括开题报告、学位论文中期检查、答辩申请、评审与答辩等环节。博士研究生应选择学科前沿领域或对我国科技进步、经济建设和社会发展有重要意义的课题作为博士学位论文的选题,博士学位论文能够表明作者具有独立从事科学研究工作的能力,反映作者在本门学科上掌握了坚实宽广的基础理论和系统深入的专业知识。博士学位论文的选题应具有科学性、学术性、创新性、先进性和可行性。具体情况按《伟德国际betvlctor1946关于攻读博士学位研究生培养工作的规定》中学位论文的规定和程序执行。 The Ph.D. dissertation should be no less than 40000 words. The dissertation should focus on the issues in the field of new media communication and media management, and be in tune with the development of related disciplines, meet the standards of academic writing, and fully demonstrate the students’ creativeness and capacity in new media theories and practices. Also, the students under the guidance of supervisors must write the dissertation independently. The student has to pass the qualification exam before he/she can do the Dissertation proposal defense. Usually in the 6th semester, the Department should arrange the review and oral defense of the completed dissertation. First, the dissertation should be reviewed by a review committee which consists of more than 2 experts with the rank of associate professor or above. After that the dissertation should be orally defended by students in front of a defense committee which consists of 3-5 experts in the given area. The student has to meet the requirement of the credits, GPA and publication by the university requirement in order to have his/her dissertation defense.
资格考试是正式进入学位论文阶段前的一次学科综合性考试,旨在检验候选人是否具备坚实的传播学基础知识与理论,牢固地掌握现代传播学研究方法,并且具有创新能力和独立开展科学研究的素质。具体来说,资格考试采取匿名评卷的形式。每年举行一次。时间为第二学年第二学期的六月举行,教学办公室会提前一个月通知。如资格笔试没有通过,可在第四、五、六学年同期补考(共三次补考机会)。如果在第六学年同期还未通过,按退学处理。具体来说,资格笔试为闭卷考试,包括三科目,即基础理论、研究方法、研究领域;每门科目考试时间为3小时。 Qualification examination is a comprehensive examination of disciplines before entering the stage of dissertation. It aims to test whether candidates have solid basic knowledge and theory of communication science, firmly grasp modern communication research methods, and have the ability to innovate and independently carry out scientific research. Specifically, the qualification examination takes the form of anonymous marking. It is held once a year. It will be held in the fourth semester of the PhD Program. The teaching office will give the students notice one month in advance. If the written qualification test fails, the students can re-take the exam in the same period of the fourth, fifth and sixth academic years (three exam opportunities in total). If the student has not passed the exam in the sixth academic year, it will be treated as drop-out. Specifically, the written qualification examination is a closed-book examination, which includes three subjects, namely, basic theories, research methods and research disciplines. The examination time for each subject is 3 hours, which adds up to nine hours in total. | |
八、开题报告 / Dissertation Proposal 研究计划需在导师的指导下完成,研究计划需要包括对当前相关研究现状的总结、研究意义、研究问题对当前海内外相关研究的价值、研究基本思路、研究框架和时间安排等内容。博士研究生同时必须提交支持理论与研究方法的研究设计草案。博士研究生必须在学院规定的截止日期之前完成研究计划的撰写,并提交到学校系统。 | |
The dissertation proposal should be conducted under the guidance of the instructor, which concludes research, status, significance and value of the topic in the current research at home and abroad, and the main condition, the research frame work, frame structure, schedule and so on for individual study. Students must also put forward design draft, supporting theory and research methods. The student has to finish writing the proposal and hand in the proposal through the university system before the assigned deadline by the department. Usually in the of the 6th to the 7th term, the department will organize the defense of dissertation proposal. | |
九、中期考核 / Mid-Term Assessment 博士生学位论文中期检查工作在伟德国际betvlctor1946博士研究生管理条例的指导下开展。参与学位论文中期考核的博士研究生至少需要完成学位论文的一半,同时必须在学院规定的截止日期之前完成中期报告的撰写,并提交到学校系统。 In the mid-term assessment, the dissertation work should be started under the guidance of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Doctoral Students Work Regulations. In the mid-term assessment the student has to finish at least half of the dissertation writing, in order to pass the mid-term assessment. The student has to finish writing the mid-term report and hand in the report through the university system before the assigned deadline by the department.
附件: 新闻传播学培养方案课程 Attachment: Curriculum for Doctoral Progra In Journalism and Communication