新媒体研究全英文硕士培养方案基本信息 |
General Information for M.A Graduate Students In New Media Studies
一、学科专业简介 / Program Overview
The Master Program in Journalism and Communication was established by the Department of Journalism and Communication at School of Media and Communication in May 2003. The Department has 24 faculty members, including 9 full professors, 9 associate professors, and 6 assistant professors. The concentration in New Media Studies within the program was launched in May 2014. With all courses taught in English, this concentration is specifically designed for international studies who are interested in learning new media at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.
二、培养目标 / Program Objective
Specifically designed for international students, the program aims at cultivating high-level new media professionals who hold both super research ability and solid practical skills in information age. The students are expected to be knowledgeable of humanities, basic sciences, media literacy, and civil society literacy. They should have a deep understanding on the nature, the law and the development of new media industries in contemporary society. They should also be able to fully understand the relationship between new media and human behaviors, especially the impact of online public opinion on social development. They should be proficient in applying communication theories into practice, and using new media technologies and foreign language skills to carry on various new media communication activities.
Research areas of the Program include: (a) History and Theory of New Media (b) New Media Practices (c) New Media Management
三、学习年限 / Study Period 本全英文硕士项目学制为两年半,共计5个学期,原则上不允许申请提前或推迟毕业。总学分≥32(GPA学分不少于20个),其中必修课22学分。所有学分建议在前三个学期完成,最后两个学期撰写毕业论文。学生每个学期选修建议最多不得超过13个学分。毕业答辩前学生GPA不能低于2.0.
This is a full-time master program with the normal length of 2.5 years.
四、课程学习要求 / Curriculum and Credits\ 1、课程模块定义:
2、原则上各学科自主决定本学科各类型研究生总学分要求和课程结构要求,以及过程管理要求。在培养方案改革初期,参考方案如下: 3、列为“公共基础课”与“专业基础课”类别的课程,授课教师在职称评定等场合,与讲授本科生课程具有同等待遇和同等要求; 4、课程评教将全部覆盖“公共基础课”与“专业基础课”类别的课程,并逐步过渡到“专业前沿课”和“专业选修课”类别课程; 5、讲授课或以讲授为主的课程,1学分的标准学时为16学时;习题课、答疑课、辅导课、课外课、实验课、参观课等不计学分;课程总学时一般应为16的倍数,学分的最小计算单位为0.5学分。
Students are required to take at least 32 credits in total, including 22 credit hours of required courses. (Including 20 GPA credit required, Chinese Language will not be part of your GPA). Normally students should finish all courses in the first 3 semesters; the fourth semester is usually used for research and practice for thesis and oral defense. Each semester they could select no more than 13 credits. The curriculum and credits of the program is listed in detail as shown in the attached table.
五、学术论文 / Academic Paper 无 |
There is no academic paper-publishing requirement for the Master Degree. However, conference papers and paper publishing are strongly recommended by the school.
六、学位论文 / Thesis for Master Degree 1、 内容要求:(a)学位论文选题应面向新媒体专业领域的问题,符合学科研究和发展方向,符合学术论文规范,充分展现学生运用所学新媒体研究理论和其他相关专业知识解决实际问题的专业能力、综合能力、学习能力与创新能力;(b)学位论文必须在导师指导下由研究生独立完成。 2、规范性要求:(a)12月下旬(第三学期)论文开题;(b)3月下旬(第四学期)预答辩;(c)若预答辩未通过,4月中旬(第四学期)进行第二次预答辩;(d)5月中旬(第四学期)正式答辩。答辩委员会由3~5位具有副高级以上专业技术职称的专家组成。只有通过学位论文答辩,并修完规定的课程,才可毕业并获得硕士学位。
The thesis should focus on the issues in the field of new media communication, be in tune with the development of related disciplines, meet the standards of academic writing, and fully demonstrate the students’ creativeness and capacity in new media theories and practices. Also, the Master’s thesis must be written independently by the students under the guidance of the supervisor(s).
The Master thesis should be no less than 12000 words.
Timetable for the Master Thesis (the dates may change slightly according to the university year calendar, so the final dates for the events will be announced by the department committee):
七、中期考核 /Academic Performance Mid-term Assessment 硕士研究生学习进度中期考核工作应按照《伟德国际betvlctor1946硕士研究生工作条例》展开。学生需要在学院规定的截止日期之前完成并提交中期考核报告。
In the Academic Performance mid-term assessment, Master's degree thesis work should be started under the guidance of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Master Students Work Regulations. The student has to finish writing the mid-term report and hand in the report through the university system before the assigned deadline by the department.
八、开题报告 / Proposal Defense 开题报告的撰写应在导师的指导下进行,内容应包括本课题在国内外研究中的研究现状、意义和价值,以及个人研究的主要条件、研究的基本思路、框架结构、时间安排等。学生还必须提出设计草案、支持理论和研究方法。 硕士研究生必须在学院规定的截止日期之前提交直至纸质版和通过系统上传电子版报告。开题工作一般在第三学期的最后一个月开展,届时学院会组织开题答辩。
The thesis proposal should be conducted under the guidance of the instructor, which concludes research, status, significance and value of the topic in the current research at home and abroad, and the main condition, the research basic mentality, frame structure, schedule and so on for individual study. Students must also put forward design draft, supporting theory and research methods. The student has to finish writing the proposal and hand in the proposal through the university system before the assigned deadline by the department. Usually in the last month of the third term, the department will organize the defense of thesis proposal.
九、中期检查 / Thesis Mid-term Assessment 学生需要提交最新版本的毕业论文进行中期检查。 In the Thesis mid-term assessment, the student has to submit your latest version of your thesis. |
十 、论文答辩/ Oral Defense 学院将在第五学期组织预答辩和最终答辩。学位论文会首先由2名副教授及以上职称的老师进行明审。然后,学位论文应由硕士研究生在一个由特定领域的3-5名专家组成的答辩委员会面前进行最终答辩。
In the 5th term/semester, the department will organize the pre-oral defense and final oral defense. Usually in the 5th semester, the Department should arrange the review and oral defense of the completed thesis. First, the thesis should be reviewed by a review committee which consists of more than 2 experts with the rank of associate professor or above. Then the thesis should be orally defended by students in front of a defense committee which consists of 3-5 experts in the given area.
课程设计/Course Curriculum in Master of New Media Studies |
附件 Attachment:新媒体研究培养方案课程信息 Curriculum for the Master Degree in New Media Studies | ||||||
课程性质 | 课程名称 (中文) | 课程名称 (英文) | 学分 | 开课时间(春/秋) | 是否计入平均绩点 | 多选组 |
Course Modules | Course Title(Chinese) | Course Title( English) | Credit | Spring/ Fall | GPA | Required/Selective |
公共基础课 General Courses | 中国文化概论 | Introduction to Chinese Culture | 2 | 春秋 S/F | 是 Yes | Required |
| Academic English | 2 | 春 S | 是 Yes | Required | |
初级汉语(1) | Chinese Language Beginner Level (1) | 4 | 春秋 S/F | 否 No | Required | |
初级汉语(2) | Chinese Language Beginner Level (2) | 4 | 春秋 S/F | 否 No | Required | |
中级汉语(1) | Chinese Language Intermediate Level (1) | 4 | 春秋 S/F | 否 No | Required | |
中级汉语(2) | Chinese Language Intermediate Level (2) | 4 | 春秋 S/F | 否 No | Required | |
专业基础课 Discipline Fundamental Courses | 新闻传播学经典文献选读 | Selected Reading in Communication Literature | 3 | 秋 F | 是 Yes | Required |
新媒体史论 | History and Theory of New Media | 3 | 秋 F | 是 Yes | Required | |
定量研究方法 | Quantitative Research Methods | 3 | 秋 F | 是 Yes | Required | |
| Qualitative Research Methods | 3 | 春 S | 是 Yes | Required | |
社会统计学 | Statistics in Social Sciences | 4 | 春 S | 是 Ye | Selective | |
学术写作、规范与伦理 | Scientific Writing, integrity and ethics | 1 | 春 S | 是 Yes | Required | |
专业前沿课 Discipline Frontier Courses | 学术报告会 | Advanced Topics in Media and Communication | 1 | 秋 F | 是 Yes | Required |
| Information Visualization | 3 | 春 F | 是 Yes | Selective | |
| Creative Advertising | 3 | 秋 F | 是 Yes | ||
| Multi-Media Reporting | 3 | 春 S | 是 Yes | ||
| Web Design | 3 | 春 S | 是 Yes | ||
| Big Data and Social Network | 3 | 秋 F | 是 Yes | ||
| New Media applications in Business | 3 | 春 S | 是 Yes | ||
专业选修课 Discipline Selective Courses | 跨文化传播
| Cross-cultural Communication | 3 | 春 S | 是 Yes | Selective |
| New Media & Brand Communication and Management | 3 | 秋 F | 是 Yes | ||
| New Media Management | 3 | 秋 F | 是 Yes | ||
| New Media and Crisis Communication | 3 | 秋 F | 是 Yes | ||
| Interpersonal and Group Communication in Relationship | 3 | 秋 F | 是 Yes | ||
| Creative Economics | 3 | 秋 F | 是 Yes | ||
| Advanced Digital Video Production | 2 | 秋 F | 是 Yes |